Category Archives: Frisbee Games


This game is similar to TRC, but has a catching zone to include a focus on accuracy. This game was adapted for ultimate players to work on pulling, and learning to read the wind, both for throwing and catching. If you’re looking for a sports betting site, 비트코인 카지노 is the place to go. Setup

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Disc Bowling

If you have bowling pins, great! If not, use a few soda bottles, or plastic water bottles. You may want to put a little water in the bottom to weigh down the bottles. Line them up as bowling pins, use a Frisbee to knock them down and score like regular bowling rules. Rules and Scoring

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Get five (or four) players together and determine a money amount per skin. We usually go for a dime because we are all pretty cheap. Next thing to do is to flip discs (or some better method) to determine the player order. The order established will remain unchanged.  You tee off after the same person

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Saucer Tennis

Saucer Tennis (Frisbee Tennis) was created in Maplewood NJ in the Autumn of 1974. A group of teens from the area got together to play what Bruce R. Keffer had put together in a rule book for what was called the most extreme disc sport. During the era, Ultimate had been invented and played by students

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Mini Guts

Guts, with a mini disc, mixed with dodgeball. Disc: Rules: It is played by two teams with anywhere from 2 to unlimited players per team. The official disc is the Wham-O Mini Frisbee due to its light weight and superior aerodynamics. The playing field consists of two goals lines 15 feet apart marked by

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Playing Field Two playing zones (7m x 10m) A neutral zone (6m x 10m) Two volleyball nets Who Two teams of two Timing Two, 10 minute halves Scoring 1 point if you touch ground inside the opponent’s court 3 points if you touch the opponent’s net How to Play Only 3 seconds of possession with

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Battle Royale

Equipment: One frisbee per person Suggested Ages: Grade 3+ Gameplay: Everyone will have the frisbee balancing upside down on the palm of their hand. The goal is to knock the frisbee off your opponents hand while not letting them knock the frisbee off your hand. You can switch the frisbee from one hand to the

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Skippy Jammer

Skippy Jammer is a modified Guts game played one-on-one. The disc needs to skip first before being caught. The trick is to skip the disc as close to the ground at the other players ankles so they couldn’t easily catch it. This game was created by Tom Cole and Jeff Shelton.

Schteattle Schtick

Ok, here’s how Seattle kids play Schtick.  We’re gonna call it Schteattle Schtick and it’s best played with 10-75 youth players (assisted by their coaches and/or parents) and lots of discs — at least 1 for every 3 players.  (If you have more players and discs than this, you should play Galaxy Wars instead.)  Either way, you’re

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