Category Archives: Frisbee Games


Rules are identical to current WFDF / USAU rules except: 1.1. If you travel, you are “taggable” until either: a) you release the disc b) you are solely contacting out-of-bounds (turnover), or c) you are solely contacting the end zone (score) 1.2. An uncontested two-handed ‘tag’ is a turnover 2.1. Picks are allowed, as is

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Stubby Guts

Stubby Guts is a game which descends from the guts family, but one can also detect some relationship with beer races. There are two teams (recommended 4 per team). The teams are separated by exactly some meters or more of empty space (see picture). Every player has two cans of beer. one which is empty

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Gritz is a game that combines, volleyball, ultimate and endless greatests. Overview Invented at the University of Oregon circa 2000, Gritz is played on a regular volleyball court. It can be played in teams of 2,3 or 4. Rules Volleyball basics (score on serve, 3 touches max, rotation) Players cannot touch the ground and the

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Same set up as Guts, but you can only throw blades. If you fail to catch a blade you get to throw a redemption shot. The team that threw the blade sets up with their feet touching the person next to them legs spread 4ish feet. The redemption shot is made by trying to roll

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Five hundred (500) is another good game when numbers are low, but can also be played with larger sides. Split into two team, preferably where the players on the same have roughly equal catching ability. Teams stand facing each other about 30m-40m apart. A player from one team throws the disc into the air above

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Flutter Guts

A variant of Guts. The aim is essentially the same, namely to catch a disc thrown by the opposing team with one hand only, no trapping against the body. The difference is that the teams are closer and the throws are only allowed to be soft (unlike Guts, where the throws are often over 120km/h).

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Frisbeer is a college drinking game that is gaining in popularity. The only drawback is it’s mostly played outside, so depending on where your college or university is located, it could be tough to play year round. FRISBEER RULES Frisbeer Overview Frisbeer is a drinking game involving a frisbee, 2 teams of 2 people, 2

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KanJam (sometimes spelled kanjam or Kan-Jam) is a flying disc game, played with a flying disc and two cans in which you deflect the disc. The KanJam company is based in western New York. Origin KanJam was created in the 1980s by Charles Sciandra and Paul Swisher in Buffalo, New York, originally being called “Garbage

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Hot Box

Hot box (or simply box) is a non-contact team sport which is similar to ultimate, but played on a smaller field and with fewer players. Like ultimate, the object of the game is to score points by passing the disc into the end zone; however, in Hot Box there is generally only one end zone

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Durango Boot

The flow of Boot is much like Ultimate, but even more fluid with no stoppage of play, even after scores. There’s full-on running, lots of give-and-go action, smooth zone defenses, and the whole globe is your playing field. It’s very competitive and we have yet to master the game after years of play. HISTORICAL NOTE

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