Category Archives: Frisbee Games

Frisbee Hoops

Players needed: 2-4 Cost: 1 frisbee Hoops can only be played in a gym with basketball hoops. Your team stands under one hoop and the other team under the opposite hoop. One team will start by, without moving, throwing the disc at your hoop. If the disc hits backboard it is 1 point, net is 2 points,

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Players needed: 6-10Equipment: 1 frisbee Two teams of 3-5 will separate about 25 feet away from each other on level ground. Each team should designate an experienced thrower that can perfectly throw a chest-level, flat, and accurate pass to the opposing team. Anyway, the game will start by the thrower giving a nice pass to the

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Frisbee Tag

You need four or more players, whom you divide into two teams. The game is played in a manner similar to the game “It.” The first person on Team A throws the disc to a member of his team and his fellow teammates collectively attempt to keep the disc away from the other team. When

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Jet Ski Frisbee

To play Jet Ski Frisbee you have one person sitting on a jet ski next to a dock where a second person is standing holding the disc. The player on the dock throws the disc as far as possible and the jet skier then takes off after the disc in attempt to catch it before

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Pool Frisbee

Pool Frisbee is a simple game of catch off the diving board of a pool. You have your friend throw you the disc while you’re in the air and you try to catch it before touching the water. You can award various style points and compete with other pairs of friends. If you want to

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Double Box

10 players (2 teams of 5); 1 disc; 8 cones This is a miniature game of ultimate, and more fast-paced.  There are 2 scoring goals, 5m x 5m boxes, separated by about 20m.  One teams starts with the disc in their box and is attacking the opponent’s box.  Each time a team scores, they immediately

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Keepings Off

8 players (2 teams of 4); 1 disc; 4 cones Form a 20m square with the 4 cones.  The aim of the game is to retain possession of the discby passing to teammates for as long as possible.  As in ultimate, players may not run with the disc and have a stall count of 10.


12 players (2 teams of 6); 1 disc; 8 cones In frisbee soccer, you are not allowed to run with the disc, but the disc is allowed to touch the ground, or roll along the ground.  Once the disc is on the ground, either team may pick it up, but maintain the non-contact rules, so

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Frisbee Tennis

This is really played similar to newcombe ball, with six players a side on either side of a tennis net.  There is a “dead zone” 2 metres either side of the net, which is out-of-bounds.  The receiving team scores a point if the disc lands out-of-bounds.  Dropping the disc, or taking more than three passes

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18 players (2 teams of 9); 1 disc; 7 cones Set up a diamond, similar to baseball.  There is no pitcher (like teeball), otherwise the fielding positions are similar.  The “batter” simply throws the disc from homebase, and must rethrow if it is a foul or doesn’t travel at least 5m.  The batter may run

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