Category Archives: Frisbee Games

Mini Ultimate

Overview Mini Ultimate is a high energy, predominantly urban sport played on a smaller field than ultimate. The field is 20 yards wide, by 30 yards long, with six yard endzones. The game was invented by Brion Winston and Dave Hollander of New York Ultimate in 1999. Rules The rules are similar to Ultimate including those

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Also known as: Suzy Sticks or Fricket The game is played by throwing an Ultimate disc (175 gram) at a set of two PVC pipes (“sticks”) that are 16 inches apart and have 12 or 16 oz plastic (Solo) cups at the top of the pipes. Each set of sticks are placed 40’ apart from each other

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Players: Two players & Up Equipment: One Disc per player Playing Area: Any Area with a grouping of poles; Light poles, Sign posts on campuses, in parks or in parking lots. This is a good game for road trips. Object: Like Disc Golf, complete a designated course in as few strokes as possible. Scoring: A stroke is counted for

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Goaltimate is a half-court disc game derived from ultimate, similar to hot box. The object is to score points by throwing a flying disc to a teammate in a small scoring area, through a large semicircular hoop called the goal. The name is a blend of the words “goal” and “ultimate”. History Goaltimate was invented by

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Schtick Disc

Schtick Disc is a limited-contact team sport played with two or more flying discs (frisbees), and although considered a variant of Ultimate, shares little similarities beyond the use of discs. For instance, Schtick players are permitted to run whilst holding the disc. The sport is known for its relaxed and friendly style of play, and

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Beersbee is an outdoor game played between two teams of two people using a Frisbee, two glass bottles (or cans) and stakes nailed into the ground. The game is played by the players taking turns throwing a Frisbee at a glass bottle that rests on top of the stakes in the ground. The two stakes are

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