Author Archives: rjmcleod


18 players (2 teams of 9); 1 disc; 7 cones Set up a diamond, similar to baseball.  There is no pitcher (like teeball), otherwise the fielding positions are similar.  The “batter” simply throws the disc from homebase, and must rethrow if it is a foul or doesn’t travel at least 5m.  The batter may run

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Captain Disc

6 players; 1 disc; 3 cones Line up in groups of six, have a disc placed 5 metres in front of the line, with the players facing it.  The players need to be well-spaced, at least arms length apart.  On “go!”, the leftmost player runs out and picks up the disc.  They pass it to

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Throwing Race

You can host a race with Frisbees for a party group of any age. To prepare for the game, mark two parallel lines on the ground about 10 yards apart and label them as line “1” and line “2.” Divide the children into pairs. Have one child from each pair line up on the first

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Stack Em

If you are hosting an outdoor birthday party for your toddler or preschooler, thrill your guests with a Frisbee tower game. Give each player a bunch of mini-Frisbees and have them form a circle. The birthday boy goes first by laying one of his Frisbees in the middle. Then the next player lays one of

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Frisbee Bocce

Frisbee bocce is a target game that tests kids’ throwing accuracy. Give each player a Frisbee and have players form a line in a flat, grassy field. Have the first player in line roll a baseball or tennis ball forward as far as she wants. Then each player takes a turn tossing his Frisbee, trying

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Water Carry

The Frisbee is used as a method of transporting water. You can have a group start behind a line and race to a line 10, 15, 20 meters away. Anyone who moves too quickly will lose too much water so it works on balance and speed. Expert level: Try out a round with the Frisbee

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Hot Potato

If you have a bunch of people, Disc Hot Potato is a fun option. To play this game, have all the players spread out into a large circle so that each is a good distance away from the next player. Set a stopwatch to a random amount of time. The player standing at 12 o’clock

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Gollum is played like the game of Guts, except: Teams are 1, 2 or 3 players each. For this tournament, we will use 2 person teams. The foul and goal lines are 3.5 metres apart. Players on each team alternate as throwers. Throws may not be “too fast” i.e. achieve their effectiveness primarily through speed

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Polish Horseshoes

Buy Polish Horseshoes here: Game Setup Take the two 25” poles that are solid grey and screw the bottom aluminum insert of each pole into corresponding black circular base. Take the two 25” poles that have the Yardies trademark and the red top and screw the aluminum insert of these poles into the corresponding end of

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Speed Flow

Pass the disc back and forth as many times as possible between partners in 1 minute. Partners line up 10 feet apart. With a third-party starting a stopwatch, the pair will begin to pass the disc back and forth. The pair can use a backhand, forehand, or other creative throw that allow them to get

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