Players: Two players & Up
Equipment: One Disc per player
Playing Area: Any Area with a grouping of poles; Light poles, Sign posts on campuses, in parks or in parking lots. This is a good game for road trips.
Object: Like Disc Golf, complete a designated course in as few strokes as possible.
Scoring: A stroke is counted for every throw taken in navigating the course.
The Pole Course: By agreement of all players, the pole course includes a selected group of poles and an
order in which each pole must be hit.
Play of Game: First Player throws at first pole. Other players throw in order. Once a pole is hit, the thrower can head for the next pole. More than one pole can be hit on the same throw.
Technical Rules:
- A player is allowed to pivot and reach towards the next pole.
- Disc must leave the thrower’s hand before it can hit the pole.
- Before play, all players must agree on what part of the pole must be hit to be considered a “hit”. That is, is the base a part of the hole?
Useful Throws: Rollers & Hammers
Strategy Tips: If you can’t positively hit the pole, lay up behind the pole to set up your next shot.