DodgeDisc is played with a Dodgebee is a soft washable flying disc made with a nylon covered soft foam that is firm enough to hold its shape but still soft enough to throw and catch easily and safely. DodgeDisc is an exciting, fast-paced interactive game that promotes healthy exercise, team sportsmanship, and safe play. Schools, school wellness programs, youth camps and family/company picnics are perfect for DodgeDisc related activities.

- Dodgebee 270 (official competition disc) – The Dodgebee 200 and 235 are smaller versions available and are well suited for general play for younger players.
- Clothing – It is recommended that opposing teams wear different colors or numbered vests.
- Stopwatch – or other timing device
- The court is 10 yards by 20 yards, divided in half so that each team’s court is a 10 x 10 square.
- Cones or other simple markers may be set at the corners and dividing line.
- There are two teams, team A and team B as shown.

When available, a referee should be at the center point on the outside of the court to make rulings when necessary. The outside of the court represents the outfield. The inside of the court represents the infield. There are no boundaries for the outfield except staying on your team’s side of the field.
Each team may have a maximum of 13 players, with both teams having an equal number of players. For fairness of play, it is recommended that players for a game of DodgeDisc not be more that 1 or 2 years in age difference.
Game Duration
Game duration is 4 minutes unless a team’s infield has been eliminated. 1 minute overtimes are used in case of ties. Best 2 out of 3 matches determine the winning team.
Object of the Game
To eliminate all players from the opposing team’s infield court.
If there are remaining players in the infield and time has expired, the team with the most players on their infield wins.
Starting the Game
- Play starts by flipping a Dodgebee and one selected member calling heads or tails. The Dodgebee must flip more than one time.
- Teams may decide on how many members (up to 13) make up their infield and outfield prior to start of the game. There must be at least 1 member from each team in the designated outfield.
- Play starts when the Dodgebee is given to the outfield and time starts after the first throw.
General Rules of Play
- The official game of DodgeDisc is played with the use of a single Dodgebee disc. This promotes cooperative passing and strategies. Multiple Dodgebee discs of similar or different sizes may be used as an alternative play format.
- Players may not cross the center line. If a player crosses the center line, they must move immediately to their team’s outfield (automatic turnover).
- Outfield players may pass to any of their team’s members in their infield or across lines to players on other sides of outfield. Infield players are not permitted to pass in their infield (automatic turnover) but may pass to their outfield team players.
- Players on the infield may move about freely if they do not possess the Dodgebee
- Outfield players may not move to different sides of the court if they possess the Dodgebee. They may also not pass to outfielders on the same side as them. Doing so results in a turnover.
- Catches must be made cleanly with the hands and/or body. Between the leg catches are also permitted. Simultaneous catches (catching the Dodgebee at the same time as it hits the ground) are OK.
- Players entering or exiting the game should only pass through their own field of play.
- Players are eliminated in the opposing team’s infield by either hitting them directly with a throw and no catch is made (disc cannot touch the ground first) or they attempt a catch and drop the disc. Any infield player who is struck or drops the Dodgebee must move immediately to their team’s outfield. Play resumes when affected player(s) have moved to the outfield.
- If more than one player is struck on the infield with a single throw and no catch is made, each of those players must move to their team’s outfield. In addition, if a player is struck and another team member makes a catch, play continues with no player moving to the outfield.
- Players may not purposely hit a player above the shoulders (automatic turnover). Doing so means a player must leave the game and not be allowed to return for that game including any overtime(s).
- Kicking the Dodgebee intentionally automatically results in a turnover.
- The Dodgebee can only be thrown right side up. No upside-down or vertical throws are allowed. Only forehand and backhand throws are permitted.
- Players should be able to make their own rulings and only use the referee if necessary.
- Players in the outfield may return to the infield by eliminating an opposing team member in the infield with a legal throw.
- Players must attack the opposing team within 10 seconds. This is to avoid “running down the clock”
- Turnovers immediately award the Dodgebee to the opposing team.
- Examples of turnovers:
- A player has caught the disc but then drops it
- Kicking the Dodgebee
- Not moving to the outfield after being hit
- Crossing the center line
- Hitting a player above the shoulders
- Upside-down or vertical throw
- Moving to a different side of the court while holding the Dodgebee
- Infield passing
- Not attacking to run down the clock
- Unsportsmanlike conduct
Basic Strategies
- Players may move about freely in the outfield while remaining on their designated sides. Passing to other team members is a winning strategy.
- Voluntarily not re-entering. If an infield player has earned the right to enter the infield, they may choose not to.
- Starting the game with your strongest throwers in the outfield.
- Loud or abusive language is not permitted at any time. Offending players are immediately disqualified from the game and may return to future games after the referee’s final decision. Other unsportsmanlike conduct is not permitted and will be judged by the referee.
- These are the very basic rules of DodgeDisc. Teachers and chaperones may alter or change rules depending on the actual circumstances and reasonable rulings of fairness of play.
- Good sportsmanship is always encouraged!
- Enjoy and have fun!
Glossary of Terms
- Dodgebee
A Dodgebee is a soft washable flying disc made with a nylon covered soft foam that is firm enough to hold its shape but still soft enough to throw and catch easily and safely. - Backhand Throw
Grip the Dodgebee in the hand between your thumb and forefinger. For right handed throws, bring the disc back across the chest toward the left side of the body and with speed bring the disc back across the chest to the right side and snap the wrist and throw. For left handed players do the opposite. - Forehand Throw
Pinch the disc tightly between the thumb and forefinger with the disc rim almost touching the back of the hand. For right handed throws, bring the disc back across the right side of the body, and with speed bring the disc to the front again and snap. - Right-Side Up
A throw with the top of the disc showing top side up - Upside-Down Throw
A throw with the bottom of the disc showing bottom side up - Vertical Throw
A throw which is 90 degrees or perpendicular to the ground - Legal Throw
A forehand or backhand throw - Kicking
Intentionally kicking the Dodgebee - Catching
Gripping the disc between the hands, body, or legs - Infield
Any area inside the designated area of the court - Outfield
Any area outside the designated area of the court - Turnover
When any infraction occurs - Referee
Teacher, parent, guardian, or other non-partisan person judging the game in play - Possess(ing)
Holding the disc for your team while the game is in play - Center Line
The line that divides/separates the court (extends 2 yards beyond the infield/outfield line) - Overtime
After regular time expires, the time allocated for one additional game to determine the winner of that game.