The fastest and most affordable disc golf course (requires a Stiiicks kit)
- Stick the 3 STIIICKS into the ground more than 10 feet apart from each other.
- Decide the course and set up to throw at the 1st STIIICK
- Players will take turns throwing discs to hit the yellow top of the STIIICK (farthest away throws)
- Keep track of how many throws it takes to hit the STIIICK.
- Stand next to STIIICK One and go after STIIICK Two.
Target Practice
- Set up 1 STIIICK in the ground
- Take one step back from the STIIICK and throw the disc trying to hit the yellow part of the STIIICK
- If you hit the STIIICK, take another step back and throw it again
- Throw until you miss
- See who can get farther away
Twenty One
- Set up 2 STIIICKS 15ft apart
- Each player (can be teams of 2) will throw a disc at each others the STIIICKS
- One point for partner macking disc into STIIICK
- Two points for hitting the gray part of the STIIICK
- Three Points for hitting the yellow part of the STIIICK
- First to 21 wins the game