Flimsee is a simple lawn game in which two teams try to knock their opponent’s plastic cup off the top of a pole using a frisbee.
Inventor John Mally first conceived the idea back in 2008 during a frisbee match, when he saw a disc knock a cup off a snow pole. Six years and several prototypes later, the original Flimsee kit has become a cult favorite among a loyal community of lawn gamers, tailgaters, and disc enthusiasts nationwide.
- The team with the shortest player throws first. (1 on 1, or 2 on 2 )
- Each player on the throwing team throws one disc. When they finish it is the other team’s turn.
- On defense, players may not goal tend or touch sticks. On offense players must throw from behind the sticks
- The offense earns TWO points by throwing the Disc clean through the opponents Flimsee Sticks, below the highest point of the Cups, and above the grass (note: If both players on a team send it clean through on a single turn, the discs are sent back)
- The offense earns ONE point for each of their opponent’s Cups that are knocked to the ground, even if the disc does not make it on the fly.
- The Defense can prevent scoring by catching the Cup(s) as they are bounced off the Flimsee Stick(s)
- Teams must switch sides after one team scores six 6 points to prevent any difference in setup or advantage to any team
- Team without the shortest player gets the last throwing attempt
- First team to twelve (12) points is the Winner!
- Teams do not need to win by 2 and it becomes sudden death if opposing team reaches 12 points on final throw.
- Have fun!